Field Investigations and Inspections
CQuest has completed geotechnical investigations for many types of sites and structures:
- Commercial and Retail Buildings
- Communications Towers
- Warehouses
- Distribution Centers
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
- Multi-Storied Office Buildings
- Housing Developments
- Large and Small Building Additions
- Single Family Homes
- Solar Farms
- Road Projects
Field Investigations:
Geotechnical Investigations include subsurface field investigations, laboratory testing, and geotechnical engineering analyses. CQuest’s subsurface investigations define the stratification of the subsurface soils and the engineering properties of these soils across the proposed construction area. CQuest uses its extensive knowledge of local geology to prepare these subsurface investigations in a cost-effective and efficient manner. During subsurface investigations, test borings or test pits are excavated by one of CQuest’s professional drilling or excavating subcontractors. These test borings and pits provide CQuest with the information necessary for proper evaluation of the subsurface soils at the site. CQuest’s direct oversight of each subsurface investigation allows for quick, efficient changes in the investigation plan, should the need arise. CQuest provides an experienced staff of Professional Geologists, Professional Engineers, and Engineering technicians capable of handling the complexities of any project. In addition, CQuest has an extensive network of qualified laboratories, and drilling/excavating companies allowing us to provide these quality services in a timely manner at a reasonable cost.
As part of the geotechnical investigation, CQuest’s laboratory-testing program is tailored to the soils and /or rock found at each site. This enables our geotechnical team to fully define the physical characteristics of the subsurface materials encountered during the subsurface investigation. Soil testing may include any of the following analyses:
Atterberg Limits
Soil Density
California Bearing Ratio
Direct Shear
Electrical Resistivity
Hydraulic Conductivity
Moisture Content
Triaxial Shear Tests
Unconfined Compression
Field Investigations:
Geotechnical Investigations include subsurface field investigations, laboratory testing, and geotechnical engineering analyses. CQuest’s subsurface investigations define the stratification of the subsurface soils and the engineering properties of these soils across the proposed construction area. CQuest uses its extensive knowledge of local geology to prepare these subsurface investigations in a cost-effective and efficient manner.
During subsurface investigations, test borings or test pits are excavated by one of CQuest’s professional drilling or excavating subcontractors. These test borings and pits provide CQuest with the information necessary for proper evaluation of the subsurface soils at the site. CQuest’s direct oversight of each subsurface investigation allows for quick, efficient changes in the investigation plan should the need arise. CQuest provides an experienced staff of Professional Geologists, Professional Engineers, and Engineering technicians capable of handling the complexities of any project. In addition, CQuest has an extensive network of qualified laboratories and drilling/excavating companies allowing us to provide these quality services in a timely manner at a reasonable cost.
As part of the geotechnical investigation, CQuest’s laboratory-testing program is tailored to the soils and /or rock found at each site. This enables our geotechnical team to fully define the physical characteristics of the subsurface materials encountered during the subsurface investigation. Soil testing may include any of the following analyses:
Atterberg Limits
Soil Density
California Bearing Ratio
Direct Shear
Electrical Resistivity
Hydraulic Conductivity
Moisture Content
Triaxial Shear Tests
Unconfined Compression
Geotechnical Engineering Reports:
Based on the results of the subsurface investigation and the laboratory testing program, CQuest performs an engineering analysis of the subsurface soils and/or bedrock. CQuest then prepares a final Geotechnical Investigation Report, which summarizes the subsurface investigation, on-site soil strength conditions, and gives recommendations for foundations, earthwork, and pavement sections.
Additional Subsurface Investigation Services Available:
CQuest conducts infiltration testing to determine the potential infiltration feasibility of a site, as well as helping the system designer properly size and locate the proposed storm water management facilities. Infiltration testing is performed per the guidelines of the local governing agencies.
CQuest conducts percolation testing to aid in the location and design of onsite wastewater treatment systems, also known as private sewage disposal systems. Testing is performed for the design of systems including seepage pits, leach lines and pressurized drip systems. The location of dispersal systems on hillside and flat land properties are geologically evaluated for feasibility and stability.
CQuest evaluates sites with regard to the potential of liquefaction, including settlement, lateral spreading, and their resulting effects and impacts on the proposed development and provides recommendations to mitigate the effects of liquefaction on the proposed development.