Consulting for Our Environmental Site Assessment Services
Phase I ESAs
CQuest routinely performs Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for lenders, banks, insurance companies, telecommunications providers, and commercial and industrial developers. These assessments range from a single property to large portfolios.
The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) will be conducted in accordance with the current American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E1527-13) and in accordance with the November 2005 Final Rule entitled “Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries” (AAI) as published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Phase I ESA is designed to identify obvious Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) in connection with the previous and current uses and ownership of the subject property.
The scope of services that will address the following components which include the responsibilities of the environmental professional and user’s responsibilities as defined by ASTM E1527-13:
- Conduct environmental inquiries which will include: A) visual inspections of the facility and adjoining properties, B) interviews with past and present owners, operators or occupants, C) reviews of historical sources, and D) review of federal, state, tribal and local government records.
- Conduct environmental research: A) of records regarding environmental cleanup liens that may affect the subject site, B) giving consideration of "specialized knowledge of the subject property and adjoining properties," and C) giving user's consideration of the relationship of the purchase price to the value of the property, if not contaminated.
- Conduct environmental research utilizing: A) consideration of "commonly known or reasonable ascertainable" information about the property, and B) consideration of the "degree of obviousness of the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property."
- Visual observation as allowed for other reasonably ascertainable indicators of contamination such as: improper regulated materials handling and storage practices, improper waste stream disposal, airborne emissions, asbestos-containing building materials, lead-based paint, PCB-containing equipment, and radon.
- Review of aerial photographs, historical city directories and Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (SFIMs) will be conducted to assess the past and present uses of the subject site and adjacent properties. Additionally, if any RECs are identified in conjunction with these properties, the potential impacts to the subject site will be discussed based on review of regulatory information available within the scope of work identified.
- A review will be conducted of a list compiled by Environmental Data Resources, Inc., (EDR) or similar database services.
- Visual observation from publicly accessible areas of adjoining properties for reasonably ascertainable potential environmental hazards and contaminants.
- An emailed copy of the Phase I ESA report.
The scope of services that will address the following components which include the responsibilities of the environmental professional and user’s responsibilities as defined by ASTM E1527-13:
- Conduct environmental inquiries which will include: A) visual inspections of the facility and adjoining properties, B) interviews with past and present owners, operators, or occupants, C) reviews of historical sources, and D) review of federal, state, tribal, and local government records.
- Conduct environmental research: A) of records regarding environmental cleanup liens that may affect the subject site, B) giving consideration of "specialized knowledge of the subject property and adjoining properties," and C) giving user's consideration of the relationship of the purchase price to the value of the property, if not contaminated.
- Conduct environmental research utilizing: A) consideration of "commonly known or reasonable ascertainable" information about the property, and B) consideration of the "degree of obviousness of the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property."
- Visual observation as allowed for other reasonably ascertainable indicators of contamination such as: improper regulated materials handling and storage practices, improper waste stream disposal, airborne emissions, asbestos-containing building materials, lead-based paint, PCB-containing equipment, and radon.
- Review of aerial photographs, historical city directories and Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (SFIMs) will be conducted to assess the past and present uses of the subject site and adjacent properties. Additionally, if any RECs are identified in conjunction with these properties, the potential impacts to the subject site will be discussed based on review of regulatory information available within the scope of work identified.
- A review will be conducted of a list compiled by Environmental Data Resources, Inc., (EDR) or similar database services.
- Visual observation from publicly accessible areas of adjoining properties for reasonably ascertainable potential environmental hazards and contaminants.
- An emailed copy of the Phase I ESA report.
Asbestos & Lead Based Paint
CQuest provides a complete spectrum of professional services in the asbestos (ACM) and lead-based paint (LBP) fields, ranging from initial surveys to post-abatement clearance. CQuest’s monitoring and management services are designed to provide our clients with the assurance that the abatement projects are performed in compliance with the federal and state statutes and in a manner not to endanger the surrounding workplace. The following services are typical of those provided by CQuest:
- Abatement Project Monitoring and Oversight
- Inspections and Surveys
- Sampling
- Lead Inspections & Risk Assessments
- Plans and Specifications
- X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Surveys